Put Out the Fire!


By Moja Robinson
environmental justice, social justice, trash, incinerators, health, sacrifice zones

Visualizing the correlation between EJ community health and US trash incinerators


This project transpired from a previous report and map I did with Tishman Environment and Design Center (TEDC) for the Global Alliance for Incineration Alternative (GAIA). In that project, I researched how the cost of burning trash in municipal incinerators is significant to human and ecological health, and expensive for community members and municipalities. I then went on to visualize my findings per state with a static map.

For this project, I wanted to show the relationship of incinerators to environmental justice communities (EJC). Thus, how sacrifice zones correlate to health issues with BIPOC or low-income communities. I wanted to tell this story to EJCs. However, I was aware of my educational privilege, which might make my project hard to understand. So throughout the project, I tried to simplify the user experience and explanations.

Data Process:

To start I researched and used data from the Census Bureau, CDC, Energy Recovery Council, and the EPA. I then defined the EJ Community by each state’s definition, which was heavily influenced by race and income. Next, I did a 3-mile buffer for each incinerator to see which census block groups were EJC to define if the incinerator was in an EJC. Lastly, I had to combine the CDC health data with the Census boundary to create unique polygons to show the health information. I then gathered my data into two excel sheets, one for point data (incinerators) and one for polygons (health data).

Code Process:

I used a split-screen Glitch template to start my webpage. I then displayed my two excel sheets via Carto. I then added a legend using another template and created a unique gradient bar animation to display my health data ramp. Next, I added pop-up data to each point, followed by a check-box feature to display my polygons. This was the hardest part of this project, but Sook helped out a lot! Then, I did a modal pop-up I learned from my Myspace days to show my methodologies and sources. Lastly, I added general information and additional sources, followed by linking my Glitch page to Github.


I would have liked to have information on “joining the fight” to shut down incinerators on the point pop-up feature, however, it was difficult finding and compiling that information especially with the time I had.

Snap Map: