Discover Sudan


By Majid Hassabu
tourism, travel, landmarks, guide

This map is to display an array of landmarks spread throughout my home country, Sudan. 6 out of many other locations to display in the future!

I pinpointed a few landmarks in Sudan that are worth visiting amongst other locations. Gathering the data required that I extract the locations from open street map and upload them into QGIS to merge all into one layer. Once I had the shapefile layer, I uploaded it into Carto where I was able to manipulate the data or attribute table. There were several polygons listed which I had to manually remove.

Once my map on Carto was complete, I embedded it into my glitch page along with a sidebar. In the sidebar, I had a dropdown that would allow the viewer to select the attraction of their interest. Upon selection, the embedded map would relocate to the polygon which had a pop up with a brief description of the location. As well as images of the location with Wikipedia and TripAdvisor buttons.

At the bottom of the dropdown list, I listed two additional locations that could be added in the future to the discovery map.