Mapping Architecture Landmarks
London, UK
By Mariana Kiwi Barros
architecture, landmarks, london, guide,

This project maps the most remarkable architecture in the city! You can filter the buildings by its function or by the architectural design firm
Are you passionate about architecture?
Have you ever planned a trip to an urban hub and wished you had an architectural encyclopedia on hand to find information about the most remarkable landmarks?
This project does it for you!
Welcome to an online architecture catalogue for the city of London. The goal is to provide an inventory of landmark buildings categorized by its function and by the architecture firm who designed it.
Using a dropdown menu it is possible to filter the data on the map according to what you are looking for.
When the user clicks on each point in the map, a pop up window shows more information about the landmark, such as the function, the designer and a brief description, history, or curiosity about it.
To succeed with this project, data from other major cities with well-known architecture pieces such as New York would be added to a similar page and linked to, in the bottom of the page under “Where do you want to go next?”
The data from this project is from “Mimoa”, an online platform that was shut down in May 2019. It consists of the latitude, longitude, and the name of each landmark. Originally, the data was an html file which I converted into a spreadsheet separating each information into the following categories: Name; Latitude; Longitude; Function; Architecture Firm; and Description.
Future additions to the project would include photos in the pop up section for each landmark as well as the possibility for the user to favorite buildings they want to visit. Layers of public transportation would facilitate setting routes across the city and indicate underground lines, bike lanes, and bus itineraries.
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