CoSAP Ethiopia


By Ana Carla Costa
nonprofit, self help, ethiopia, women

CoSAP has a network of members which it serves as a lobbyist for their needs in the Ethiopian government, the map will help with their growth.

Consortium of Self-Help Group Approach Promoters (aka: CoSAP) was retained as a client on December 2017 in the office of Professor Mark Johnson at The New School as part of Ana Carla Costa’s master capstone thesis in nonprofit management. The project is focused on reinvigorating the organization’s web presence by creating a new website and adding interesting visualizations based on the research that the organization has done in the past.

Strategy Goals:

  1. To raise public awareness in Ethiopia and internationally of CoSAP and their programs.
  2. To create and maintain a relationship between CoSAP and its supporters online.
  3. To reach a new international donor base by improving their web presence and involvement.

Strategy Objectives:

  1. To re-design the CoSAP website to increase web engagement with sister organizations and the greater public.
    • Create visualizations to draw more viewership to the website.
    • Create a plan to begin the organization’s website maintenance.

The map was created in order to geographically visualize the scope of CoSAP’s work while also giving them the ability to pinpoint the areas where they should offer more services to in the future. The other layers add context to the map, especially the drought data which serves as the subject area of some women’s work within the self help groups.