Advanced GIS – Spring 2017 – Student Projects

Final projects for Advanced GIS.

Impact of Mining on Water Resources: La Paz, Bolivia

La Paz, LPZ, Bolivia

My project analyzes the proximity of dams to mining areas in La Paz to potentially determine which are at risk of contamination and extraction.

311 Complaints in Relation to Median Income in NYC

New York City

This project examines the types of complaints from January 2010 to December 2016 in relation to income throughout New York City.

Affordable Accessibility in Charlotte-Mecklenburg

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA

Identifying potential locations for future affordable housing development in Charlotte-Mecklenburg

An Analysis of Soil Health in Gujarat

Gujarat, India

Through NDVI analysis these maps visualize if there is a correlation between the number of fertilizer distributors and poor soil health.

Chinatown Rethinks Walkable Neighborhoods

New York, USA

My project unpacks how local communities understand "walkable neighborhoods" in terms of affordability, cultural identity and social capital.

Dumpster Diving in Manhattan

New York City

"Dumpster Diving in Manhattan" is a project that maps locations to reclaim food in Manhattan.

EPA Required Reporting Facilities and Environmental Impact

New York, New York

This Project explores the environmental implications of the facilities required to report to the EPA.

Humanitarian Crisis Mapping in Yemen

Republic of Yemen

An advocacy map created for an NGO - Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict - depicting the deteriorating healthcare situation in Yemen.

Iceland's Geological Attractions: Ring Road Accessible


Iceland's unique geological landscape is revealed with information for travelers following the Ring Road.

Lost & Found: mapping Hindus in Karachi

Karachi, Sindh, Karachi

Open Artist Call to bring historical narratives, social practices & cultural forms to the foreground to foster new dialogue amongst the public

Mapping Fiction and Reality: James Bond, Agent 007


Exploring geopolitical themes taken from the 2006 - 2015 Bond movies. Specifically, terrorism, cyber warfare, and surveillance.


New York, USA

My project uncovers the digital divide in 21st century New York City.

Nigerian Meth


A search for clandestine methamphetamine production sites in Nigeria

Reducing NYC’s Emissions through Energy Efficient Buildings

New York, NY, USA

This map displays NYCEEC’s completed projects and attempts to locate new projects through spatial analysis of Site EUI and NYC flood zone data

The Commodification of Mass Incarceration

The United States

This project intends to map the state felony restrictions, voter ID laws, prison locations relative to congressional districts and tax cost.

Visualizing the shift in Bosnia's ethnicity in after the war

Bosnia & Herzegovina

The project provides a visual representation of the changed ethnic landscape in Bosnia. Since the war, ethnic composition has changed.