Welcome to Advanced GIS, Lecture 12
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work session next week (4/21)
work session next week (4/21)
bring your project and have some questions to work through
project presentations 4/28, 5/5
around 10 minutes, a few minutes for Q&A
- background for your project—why are you working on it?
- background for your project—why are you working on it?
- methodology—what is your process? where is your data from?
- background for your project—why are you working on it?
- methodology—what is your process? where is your data from?
- dead ends—what went wrong? what did you learn?
- background for your project—why are you working on it?
- methodology—what is your process? where is your data from?
- dead ends—what went wrong? what did you learn?
- what is the current state of your project?
- background for your project—why are you working on it?
- methodology—what is your process? where is your data from?
- dead ends—what went wrong? what did you learn?
- what is the current state of your project?
- is there anything specific you want feedback on?
at some point you might want to start programming on your own computer
(you don't have to for this class)
a typical process is:
1. edit the code in a code editor
2. test code in your browser
3. put code online with GitHub
code editors:
keep each project in a folder
the easiest way to put this in GitHub is dragging and dropping
make sure you select all of the contents of the project folder
you don't have to use GitHub to host a site
it's often hard to put your own HTML pages on Wordpress or Squarespace
you might consider hosting a map on Glitch or GitHub, and include the map in another site using an <iframe>
leaflet plugins
SELECT SUM(number_of_persons_injured)
FROM nypd_motor_vehicle_collisions
WHERE ST_Within(
ST_Transform(the_geom, 2263),
ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(geoJSON), 4326),
you can get google streetview imagery for a latitude and longitude
all you need is latitude, longitude, and ...
an API key from google (requires a credit card)
you don't have to use Carto for this part
you can get your overlay data from other sources
if you have a GeoJSON, you can load that directly with Leaflet
potential drawbacks:
- your page will load all of the data at once!
potential drawbacks:
- your page will load all of the data at once!
- you need somewhere to host the data (Glitch or GitHub should work fine)
potential drawbacks:
- your page will load all of the data at once!
- you need somewhere to host the data (Glitch or GitHub should work fine)
- you aren't using Carto, so styling and filtering is different
using the open data API
an API gives you access to data through a URL
you can often filter this data in the URL (so you load less data)
API benefits:
- you always get the latest data
API benefits:
- you always get the latest data
- you don't have to store the data
API potential drawbacks:
- your page will still load all of the data it needs to show
API potential drawbacks:
- your page will still load all of the data it needs to show
- if the server hosting the API goes away or moves, your page breaks
OpenStreetMap has an API you can use
"the free wiki map of the world"
how's it work?
features are "tagged" with attributes
there are a few ways to figure out how people tag features
1. look at the map
2. look at the wiki
getting data using overpass turbo