Welcome to Advanced GIS, Lecture 10
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making base maps
there is a video of the following section
some webmaps use raster tiles
raster tiles are 256 x 256 pixel images
they use the same zoom, x, and y values, so they're interchangeable
each tile is just an image on the internet
as you zoom in, the number of tiles quadruples
if you made tiles for all of zoom 18 you'd have billions of images
that's why browsers only load what you need to see
so how do you make base maps?
it depends!
in theory you can make tiles on your own
many mapmakers turn to Mapbox
Mapbox provides (modified) OpenStreetMap data
creating styles
there is a video of the following section
like most GISs, Mapbox maps are layer-based
layers are grouped into similar feature types, a layer group is called a component
you can change all of the layers in a component simultaneously
or you can view the layers that make up that component
layers have a lot more settings than components
by default, a layer in a component is locked
you can "override" individual settings and change them
not sure which component or layer a feature is on?
click it!
want to see exactly which features are in a layer?
first, go to the layer
click Select Data
green features will appear on the map, pink are on the layer but filtered out
click a feature to see the data behind it
some settings can't be changed without "ejecting" a layer from a component
how should we design base maps?
not too differently from offline maps
think about:
- scale
- hierarchy
- color
- symbology
Think about what the colors you are using mean to the viewer.
Use contrast to your advantage.
and consider how your data will look on top of it
using Mapbox tiles in Carto
there is a video of the following section
there is a video of the following section
adding your own data to a Mapbox style
there is a video of the following section
1. Upload data (such as a zipped shapefile)
2. Add the tileset to your style
but it has a pretty generous free level
by default, Glitch refreshes every time you press a key, which adds another map view
you might not want to use Mapbox tiles when coding
or turn off automatic refreshing in Glitch