Advanced GIS

Assignment 1: Getting started with the Geoweb

Part 1: Carto

Let's get started with Carto. This part of the assignment is only required if you are new to Carto.

  1. If you haven't already, create an account at Carto with this link and your email address.
  2. Work through Carto's tutorials Getting started with Carto builder and Style by value. We will be talking about this more in class, so don't worry if it doesn't fully click right away.

Submit a public URL to a map that you make using Carto while working through these lessons as proof that you worked through them.

Part 2: Your own Carto map

Now that you have some experience with Carto, create your own map with Carto:

  1. Start with some data. You might have data from previous GIS work you can use or you might want to do a quick search for some data.
  2. Add the data as a dataset to Carto.
  3. Add the dataset to a new map in Carto and style it.
  4. Feel free to experiment with other Carto features and add some to the map.
  5. Publish the map publicly.

Part 3: Readings

This week let's take a look at some maps and writings around the oil and gas industries:

Please respond on Slack, and include your thoughts about any of these pieces and related maps or writing you'd like to share.

Submitting your work

Submit links to your work from Parts 1 and 2. Be prepared to discuss the readings in Part 3.

Please include a short paragraph response or summary of your work.