Final project proposal
This is your final project proposal, which should build upon your final project thoughts and should be a more developed idea of what you will do for your project. Some parts of your proposal will likely change, and that is okay. The intention is to get a work plan together so you can start working toward your project. For more details on the final project, see the Final Project assignment.
Write at least 2 pages. Include:
Your project idea.
A work plan, which should include at least:
A description of the data you will be using.
Where the data is coming from.
Probable work you will have to do with the data to make it usable.
What the final product will look like. A sketch using pen and paper, Illustrator, etc—whatever you're comfortable with—is highly recommended.
The steps you plan on taking in order to complete the project, in the order you plan on taking them.
Future work. Be ambitious but realistic. How much of the project will you complete by the end of the semester? If you happen to get all of the work you have sketched here complete in time, what other features would you like to add if possible? Or what work might you leave for another iteration on the project after class, if you have the opportunity to do that?
Details about any organizations you'll be working with and how responsibilities will be shared with those organizations.
Other information and skills you will need in order to make this project a success.
The description of a concrete milestone (series of steps from your workplan) that you will be able to meet by April 1st.
Submit a PDF of your final project proposal. Late submissions will automatically lose 2.5 points (out of 10). Please submit your proposal on time and plan on talking about your proposal for a few minutes in class.