← Advanced GIS

In-class Exercises

Part 1: HTML

  1. Install Brackets if you haven't already, or use another code editor if you prefer.
  2. Open the code editor.
  3. Create a new file. Start with this code as a template:
    <!doctype html>
  4. Save the page as week5inclass.html and open it in your browser.
  5. Add some text in the body tags. Refresh the page in your browser.

Part 2: More HTML

  1. Open the code editor and the file you worked on in Part 1.
  2. Add a link in the body tags:
    <a href="http://example.com"></a>
    Change the URL to something more interesting. Refresh the page in your browser.
  3. Embed a Carto map that you have published before.
  4. Experiment with other tags from the HTML reference.

Part 3: HTML in Carto

  1. Upload this data to your Carto account.
  2. Link to the data source from the legend.
  3. Make popups for the map that link to the gallery's webpage.