Advanced GIS

Assignment 4


We are going to be getting into making web pages in the next few weeks. Here are some recommended readings to prepare you:

Part 1: Putting things online with GitHub Pages

GitHub is both a place to put open source code and a free way to host pages online. Learn a bit more about them with this tutorial. Specifically follow along starting at the heading Setting Up Your First Page:

  1. Create an account at GitHub.
  2. Create a repository as specified in the tutorial. The name of the repository should be For example, my username is ebrelsford, so mine is called
  3. Pick a layout.
  4. You can stop when you get to the heading Editing Your First Page.

Part 2: Make a map related to your project

In CARTO make a map that is related to one of your project ideas. Spend some time looking for data. Focus specifically on layering data and potential SQL queries that make interesting visualizations of the data. Don't forget legends, titles, and attribution where appropriate.


Submitting your work

Part 1: Submit the public link to your page (

Part 2: Submit a link to your map.