Advanced GIS

In-class Exercise

Part 1: Getting Universities from OpenStreetMap

  1. Open Overpass Turbo and go to a relatively small urban area you're interested in.
  2. On the left replace any code with this:
    out body;
    out skel qt;
  3. Press Run and any matching features should be highlighted on the right.
  4. Press Export and download the features as a GeoJSON file.
  5. Upload the GeoJSON file to either Mapbox or Carto.

Part 2: Getting other data from OpenStreetMap

  1. Using either the Map Data layer on OpenStreetMap or the OpenStreetMap wiki, look for how something you're interested in is tagged.
  2. In Overpass Turbo, replace the tag in the previous example ("amenity"="university") with the tag you found. For example, if you found shop=supermarket you would replace "amenity"="university" with "shop"="supermarket".
  3. Press Run to run the query.