Advanced GIS

Assignment 1: Getting started with the Geoweb

Due February 1 at 11:59pm

Part 1:

Experiment with

  1. Create some data. Your data should include at least five geometries and should have at least one attribute (column) that is populated for each geometry (in the Table section on the right side of the site). Try including multiple geometry types and mapping something you know fairly well. For example, you could map you commute to school with significant points of interest along the way or places of interest somewhere you traveled recently;
  2. save the data as a gist; and
  3. submit the URL to the resulting gist.

Part 2: CARTO

Get started with CARTO.

  1. Create an account at CARTO with this link and your address.
  2. Work through CARTO's tutorials Getting started with CARTO builder and Style by value. We will be talking about this more in class, so don't worry if it doesn't fully click right away.

Submit a public URL to a visualization that you make using CARTO while working through these lessons as proof that you worked through them.

Submitting your work

By February 1 at 11:59pm, submit a link to your work from Part 1 as well as a link to your work from Part 2. You may optionally choose to include a short paragraph response or summary of your work.